We are very excited to announce our children's book English/Arabic book series "Hadi's Adventures مغامرات هادي".
The books in this series titled "Inventing at the Beach", "Haneen Loves Science", and "My Many Friends, Our One Heart" are all available for sale on Amazon.com. For Canadian readers, they are also available on www.chapters.ca. For bulk orders, please contact us through the contact page.
The books aim to:
The books in this series titled "Inventing at the Beach", "Haneen Loves Science", and "My Many Friends, Our One Heart" are all available for sale on Amazon.com. For Canadian readers, they are also available on www.chapters.ca. For bulk orders, please contact us through the contact page.
The books aim to:
- Encourage children to develop critical thinking skills and think creatively in order to proactively solve problems. This is accomplished using an inquiry based approach, through sharing the stories and experiences of children who solve problems they face in their daily lives by taking positive action. There are inquiry based questions included at the end of the book to promote further exploration and problem solving skills.
- Establish universal values and ethics by promoting a moral based framework which encourages moral excellence.
- Represent a diversity of children, including Arab and Muslim children, in children’s books which will enable children from all backgrounds to increasingly relate to and cooperate with each other. When children from different backgrounds including Muslim children see themselves represented positively in children's literature, this helps to increase their confidence and sense of belonging in our society. In turn, we hope children will thrive in a diverse and pluralistic society by developing global citizenship which entails a respect for diversity and cooperating with others to make the world a more equitable place.
- Having English only versions and English/Arabic versions together, in order to facilitate the learning of both languages, and to benefit the greatest possible number of readers. At the end of the book is a page that translates some of the Arabic words used in the book into English as well as some follow up exercises. To stay up to date with when we release new books, please sign up for our newsletter below.
Media Coverage:
The Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario published the following article about this children's book series:
Book Reviews:
On "My Many Friends, Our One Heart":
"I adore your story! I like the use of the word compassionate heroes. I think this book could speak to character education assemblies many schools adopt. I also like the nature of the book as a social story. I think that having children reflect on how they may make others feel in their actions is some of the best work that teachers can do. "
-Natalee Wales, ESL and ELD Itinerant Teacher/Learning Coordinator, Thames Valley District School Board, London, ON
On "Inventing at the Beach":
"Such a well thought out story line that flows effortlessly. My child loves learning how Arabic is read right to left and English left to right. Beautiful illustrations that encourage families to get exploring (at the beach when possible!) When you read this book, you will realize what your others books are missing... it captures hearts and minds!"
-Kaleigh O, Nurse & Mother
"Not only is this is a well written story, but there is something to learn for people of every age. As a parent, I really like the addendum at the end of the book which includes word for word translations, practical exercises and some points on inquiry based learning. Looking forward to more work by this author."
-Saira, Educator & Mother
The Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario published the following article about this children's book series:
Book Reviews:
On "My Many Friends, Our One Heart":
"I adore your story! I like the use of the word compassionate heroes. I think this book could speak to character education assemblies many schools adopt. I also like the nature of the book as a social story. I think that having children reflect on how they may make others feel in their actions is some of the best work that teachers can do. "
-Natalee Wales, ESL and ELD Itinerant Teacher/Learning Coordinator, Thames Valley District School Board, London, ON
On "Inventing at the Beach":
"Such a well thought out story line that flows effortlessly. My child loves learning how Arabic is read right to left and English left to right. Beautiful illustrations that encourage families to get exploring (at the beach when possible!) When you read this book, you will realize what your others books are missing... it captures hearts and minds!"
-Kaleigh O, Nurse & Mother
"Not only is this is a well written story, but there is something to learn for people of every age. As a parent, I really like the addendum at the end of the book which includes word for word translations, practical exercises and some points on inquiry based learning. Looking forward to more work by this author."
-Saira, Educator & Mother
هذا الكتاب جزء من سلسلة قصص الأطفال "مغامرات هادي" ، التي نرجو من خلالها تحقيق الأهداف التالية
تشجيع الطفل العربي و المسلم على تطوير مهارات التفكير النقدي و التفكير الإبداعي ، و المبادرة لحل المشاكل ، و الاجتهاد في العمل ، و التفكير العلمي. و نحقق ذلك من خلال
تطبيق أسلوب التعليم المستند إلى الاستقصاء ، حيث نعرض قصص و تجارب لأطفال يفكرون في حل المشاكل التي تواجههم في حياتهم اليومية بالعمل الإيجابي. كما نوفر أسئلة تعتمد على الاستقصاء في نهاية الكتاب للتشجيع على المزيد من البحث و تطوير مهارات حل المشاكل.
تأسيس القيم و المبادئ من خلال طرح إطار أخلاقي يشجع على حسن الخلق من خلال القصة و الرسومات ، بحيث أن لا يكون هناك تناقض في عقول الأطفال بين الالتزام الديني و التفكير العلمي أو اللطف في التعامل مع الآخرين أو الاجتهاد في العمل أو الاستمتاع بالحياة اليومية.
تمثيل الأطفال العرب و المسلمين في كتب الأطفال لإتاحة المجال للأطفال الآخرين من كافة الخلفيات لتفهم و قبول الأطفال العرب و المسلمين و تطوير الصداقات معهم.
عرض نماذج من التسامح و التعايش بين أفراد المجتمع على اختلاف دياناتهم أو مدى التزامهم بالمظاهر الدينية الخارجية ، مع التركيز على القيم و الأخلاق الأساسية المطلوبة من جميع أفراد المجتمع. و بذلك نرجو للأطفال الازدهار في مجتمع فيه تنوع و تعددية من خلال تطوير المواطنة العالمية التي تتطلب احترام التنوع و العمل مع الآخرين لجعل العالم مكانا فيه المزيد من المساواة.
عرض القصة باللغتين العربية و الانجليزية معا لتسهيل عملية تعلم اللغتين ، و لتعميم الاستفادة من القصة لأكبر عدد ممكن من القراء. و في نهاية الكتاب صفحة
لترجمة بعض الكلمات العربية الواردة في الكتاب إلى الإنجليزية بالإضافة إلى بعض التمرينات.
الرجاء التسجيل لاستلام نشرتنا البرييدية في الأسفل لمعرفة آخر التطورات و تاريخ توفر الكتاب للشراء في موقعنا
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